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Everest Turmeric Powder, 100 Gm


A garden-fresh turmeric powder that has a golden-yellow colour. Known for its high carcumin (colour property) content. It is a popular variety in India, where turmeric is used as a key colouring agent in ‘curries’. Turmeric has a mild, earthy and woody flavour. It stimulates protein digestion and is an excellent blood purifier. The use of turmeric as a colouring agent in food dates back as far as 600 B.C. In medieval Europe, turmeric was known as Indian Saffron.

SKU: SM115 Category:

Turmeric or Haldi is an essential ingredient in Indian cuisines. The Everest Turmeric Powder is not only used for its flavour and aroma but also for its health benefits. It has antiseptic qualities as well as properties of flavouring agent and is also a natural beauty aid. It gives musky flavour and yellow colour to curries. Buy this product online today.

Weight 100 kg


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